Well Carter you were 20 months old on Wednesday but we just had your 18 month appointment last week. Whoops! You turned 18 months at the begining of December and with Christmas, New Years and NOLA we've just now gotten around to it.
You are finally slowing down a little in the growth department. You have been in 75-90% since you were a month old. Now you weigh 26 pounds (50%) and are 32"(50%), but your head is still in the 90-95th%. You've had a huge head since birth. We're still waiting for you to grow into it!

I know I say this about every age it seems like, but I honestly would love to keep you this age forever. I love how you think you are so grown up, but you are still a baby when I need you to be and when I want to rock you and hold you.
You are saying so much these days and people have stopped to comment on how clear you are with your words. You have a vocabulary of over 50 words. I'm not sure I can list them all out off the top of my head, but I will try to list as many as I can.
Car 'r (carter)
whaaat? (what?)
Fen fi (french fry)
Bi-men (vitamin)
duice (juice)
ere kitty (here kitty)
sa (sock)
sthoes (shoes)
pa (popsickle)
peas (please)
tan-too (thank you)
me mouse (micky mouse)
baabee (baby)
maaa-maaa (Uncle Matt Matt)
Five (high five)
cheese(when taking a picture)
kenzie (our next door neighbor that I keep twice a week)
DON'T ( this is so funny!! if I start singing a song in the car and you don't want to sing along with me you will yell out "mama, mama" & when I say what? You yell "DON'T!")
You can also sing the alphabet partially (a, b, d, d, e, f, d, and then you start over at a & keep repeating yourself). You can sing "rain, rain go away" (rain rain rain rain rain over and over again to the tune of it). You can make the sounds of a cat, dog, cow, pig, rooster, duck, & horse when asked.
You LOVE the TV these days. It used to never exist to you before now but now you insist on turning it on first thing every morning and night and will yell DORA or ME MOUSE. And if neither one of those shows are on you will go and get the remote and bring it to me whining.
You copy EVERYTHING your sister does and you have absolutely no fear.
You LOVE your sister and your sister LOVES you. Ya'll literally are inseperable right now. If you ask MR who her best friend is she says Brooklyn & Carter. Ya'll walk around the house holding hands all the time. Sometimes ya'll will hold hands in your carseats while we are driving somewhere. I'm so proud of the way ya'll play together. Your dad and I are constantly talking about how cute ya'll are after when you're playing after your bath.
We've officially cut the bottle! You haven't had a bottle in 2 weeks and we have limited your passie to your bed and Church only. So, pretty much nap time and bedtime (and sometimes time outs). You know you can't get out of your bed if you have your passie in your mouth so sometimes you will wake up and just lay in your bed to suck.
You are HILARIOUS!! We are constantly laughing when you're around. You LOVE your sisters shoes and you will go into her closet and get different pairs & wear them around the house all day long. You will also put on any pair of glasses/sunglasses/hats/boots. You love to dress yourself in whatever you can find.
This is your new camera face. You deepen your voice, put your chin down and yell out CHEESE.

And here's another "CHEESE" picture!
You love to *love* on kitty (
as you body slam her) you will soften your voice and say *awww kitty* over and over again. Pretty sure she tries as hard as possible to avoid you at all times.
You've got Auburn hair and blueish/greenish eyes with the longest, darkest and prettiest eyelashes. You are extremely fair complected. You are in a size 5.5 - 6 shoe. You think you are so old and wonder why you get treated like a baby sometimes.
You are STILL a hit or miss when it comes to sleeping through the night. Sometimes you will sleep 7 to 7 and sometimes you will sleep 10 to 6 with 2-3 wakeups in between. We never know! It seems like you have good and bad weeks. One week you sleep awesome and the next you are up every night. If you want a baby brother or sister you are going to HAVE TO start sleeping through the night buddy!
I'm sure I'm leaving off some things but this is pretty much YOU these days! I love you sooooo much and you are such a blessing to us! I couldn't imagine how boring life would be without you in it. You bring so much laughter and joy.