You are 6 months old!! Wow! Time is flying by.
I remember thinking the first 6 months took an eternity with Maci Rose and then next thing I knew she was turning 2. It is true that with each child time seems to speed up so much faster!
I must add that this is my favorite age! I love 6-12 months! They are finally able to do things on their own and entertain themselves, but they still are so dependent on you and they are so loveable. Plus you are done with the burping, holding their heads up, jumping to their every wail, etc. I wish I could lock my babies into this age forever!
You are 18 pounds and 26.5 inches long which puts you in between 50-75 %. Maci Rose was the same length as you at this age, but only 15.2 pounds. Personally, I'm shocked you aren't bigger than you are! I know that sounds crazy saying that but you can eat and eat and eat!
You are drinking 6-7 5ounce bottles a day! Between 30-35 ounces! Everything I read and most other babies I know this age are only drinking about 24 ounces. You also eat 2 jars of baby food every day and sometimes 3 depending on if it's stage 1 or 2 baby food. You love eating both!
You are snacking on yogurt bites, gerber puffs, cheerios, biter biscuits, rice cakes, and anything else your daddy shares with you. Great grandma fed you a mini Thanksgiving dinner the other day with squash, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and applesauce and said you're starving. Well duh! I would eat that good stuff too if all my mom fed me was baby mush in a jar.
No one was harmed in these next pictures! You have discovered that if you can lean forward enough then you can plop onto your belly, which must mean you are about to learn how to get up on all fours and crawl. You will do anything you can to play with your sister's toys and it seems to frustrate you that you can't be as big as her when she eats and plays around you!
I don't know the exact measurement but your daddy swears your head has got to weigh 2-3 of your pounds! You have a big head like your dad and he said that from the time you came out of the womb!
We still don't know what color hair you are going to have! In some lights we swear it is going to be dark brown like mine, but then in the sunlight it looks red and in other lights it looks the same color as your sister's hair.
You still have your blue eyes, so I'm starting to think they may stay that way! Maci Rose's stayed a blueish/grey until a year and then changed into a brownish hazel color so who knows?
And I cave into those eyes every time!
We love you sooooo much and you have been such a wonderful addition to our family!
If I'm MIA on my blog for the next few months, just know that I am loving on 18 pounds of my cute, adorable baby boy!! It flies by too fast not to soak up every second of it!!
you have a beautiful family, thanks for sharing with us chenille blanket
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Where is the price tag?
ReplyDeletei only see 6 months
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