I wish I could hold onto these next 4 months forever, but you seem to want to show me everyday something new you can do. You have been getting around on your own since 7 months by crawling/scooting backwards across the room and even bear walking a few times on your hands and feet, but on Sunday afternoon (1/30/11) you took off! So now you are officially crawling!(**forwards that is**)

Everywhere we take you we get comments about how good of a baby you are and how smiley you are. It's funny because you can sit in a stroller at the mall all day long but as soon as you get home you are fussy. When people babysit you they are constantly making assumptions that you are not feeling well or tired because you are fussy, but it's because you don't like to SIT anywhere. You are a go, go, go baby! I could ride you around in the car all day long and you wouldn't ever make a sound. I guess this means you're a social butterfly!

You still DO NOT sleep through the night, but I guess I'll contribute some of that to teething. You have 2 teeth at the bottom and I can see the right one of the top about to come through.

You are still a big boy! You weigh 19 pounds, 13oz. and are 28.5 inches long.
You can wear anywhere from 6-12-18 month clothes!

You eat all day long, but don't seem to like your bottles/formula anymore. You want food! This week alone I have caught you drinking your sister's milk cup and eating the rest of her pop tart this morning. ONE thing is for sure...if you put food out in the room I know you will stay there so I don't have to worry about you falling down the stairs!

Last night was so cute....Maci Rose was playing hide and go seek with you and you would crawl over to every closet and door she went to hide in and would chuckle when she would run out screaming 'you found me'!
I love when you grab my face and give me slobbery kisses!Despite the sleepless nights, you sure are one bundle of joy and such a loveable baby! I am so in love with you!! You couldn't be a more perfect son! Happy 8 months Carter boy!
He is sooo cute and so advanced! I am way impressed! Sam is nowhere near Carter in the motor department, but we're getting there, it's just a slow go for us. I love these sweet boys! Never thought I could love a son as much as I love Mary Ella but there is something so special about a Mama and her baby boy! Carter is a doll! We need to get together sometime with the kiddos when it gets warm!