Jeremy~Bonnie~Maci Rose ~ & ~ Carter

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I-Phone Recap

As I said in my previous post, I have been "camera-less" for the past few weeks & have only had my I-phone to capture pictures. So here is what we've been up to:

Jeremy wearing the Auburn championship ring
 My sweet buddy on our way to drop him off before the beach
 Showing off her new Sea 'N Suds t-shirt from the beach
 Lots of playing in the backyard

 Trying to have some quiet fun while waiting on Maci Rose to wake up from her "rare" afternoon nap

 He's even whiter than the driveway!!
 Making sure I don't go far!
 Eating lots of popsickles in this heat

 We took our next door neighbors out for their birthdays & they gave him a shot on fire! I've never seen something done like that before at a Mexican Restaurant. Pretty cool!!
I went to a Pampered Chef party and was making some peach salsa and almost cut the end of my pinky off with a peeler. I guess I don't need expensive stuff!! My dull knives work just fine.
 And this little guy is into all kinds of girly things lately, make-up, baby dolls, pushing strollers, etc.
 Caught him with my mascara all over his face!! He was trying to put it on like lipstick!
 And here we go..........The TEMPER TANTRUM PHASE has begun!
 I can't help but laugh every time he does it. It's just so funny how upset he gets and how he wants to "stay" upset even when you try to fix it. Almost like he's having fun throwing the fit!
 He has to sit up and look around and make sure someone is watching, because if not he will stop.
 hahahaha.....he's so pitiful isn't he??
 Ok fine I'm all better now that I found something cool to play with!

We also went to the McWane Center last week with my cousin Katie and friend Carrie and their little ones. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures to show, but it was lots of fun and we can't wait to go back!

And that folks is what we've been up to lately!

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