Besides the fact that Carter weighs nearly 16 pounds and Maci Rose was only 12 at this age, I'd say they look pretty similar....
I have the cutest video of Carter belly laughing today, but can somebody please tell me how to upload videos on here? I have it on my computer but I can't get it to upload to blogger. Maybe I don't have the right kind of video camera or something??
Jeremy~Bonnie~Maci Rose ~ & ~ Carter
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Morning Routine
Considering the lack of sleep I've been getting between papers, projects and a 3 month old who still gets up twice a night... I love my mornings with my children!!
Why is it that they are sooo cute and sweet in the morning?????
Carter is so smiley and talkative and Maci Rose actually lets me cuddle with her and love on her.
It usually starts off with both children in my bed watching cartoons.
This morning when I went to get Maci Rose breakfast she decided that they were going to play hide and seek in the covers. Poor Carter!!!
Do you see them??
Yes, that's her face every morning when she sees me coming with the brush, water, and bow! It's not a pretty site!
And speaking of her hair...I actually straightened it (as much as I could) last week. What do you think??
I don't know if we will make a habbit of this just yet because it does take some time, but it's fun to have the option every once in a while and I think she enjoyed not having her hair practically ripped out of her head that morning.
Why is it that they are sooo cute and sweet in the morning?????
Carter is so smiley and talkative and Maci Rose actually lets me cuddle with her and love on her.
It usually starts off with both children in my bed watching cartoons.
This morning when I went to get Maci Rose breakfast she decided that they were going to play hide and seek in the covers. Poor Carter!!!
Do you see them??
Well there is Carter! He's hard to keep quiet!
And if you take longer than .2 seconds to find Maci Rose then she automatically reveals herself! I don't think she understands the seeking part yet!
She gets to eat her cereal on her big girl tray in the playroom now (since she's not too messy these days) while Carter plays!This is about the only time (30-45 consecutive minutes) I have to brush my teeth, wash my face, put make-up on, get dressed, check email, work on school assignments, make phone calls, and plan out my day.
Then this little guy gets fussy and tired and goes down for his morning nap.
This is when I get Maci Rose dressed and tackle that hair of hers!!!
And speaking of her hair...I actually straightened it (as much as I could) last week. What do you think??
I don't know if we will make a habbit of this just yet because it does take some time, but it's fun to have the option every once in a while and I think she enjoyed not having her hair practically ripped out of her head that morning.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Big News...
We have a pooper!! I know this is TMI for some of you, but you have no idea how excited I am! Yes, this is that "big" birthday present I was talking about in my last post.
On the morning of my birthday, we were all ready to go and Maci Rose was fussing and hiding in her room not wanting to leave. This is SOOOO not like her. She loves going bye-bye! So Jeremy noticed she was working on something and grabbed her and threw her on the toilet. She had no choice but to continue since it was right in the middle!
She pooped in the toilet and we made a huge deal!!! This is huge!! She has NEVER, I repeat NEVER actually gone in the toilet. We have sat her on it many times or dumped her diaper in it, but never gone in it. BUT this is only half of the exciting news.
On Monday morning, labor day, I was walking on my treadmill and she was in undies (by her choice once again) and I heard her crying so I went to see what was the matter and she was standing outside the bathroom saying, "I not tee-tee in my panties."
I said, Oh you need to go potty?? and she said yes! I sat her on the toilet and she pooped again!! This time by herself!! She asked to go and then went when it was time!! Can you tell how excited I am??
I have been working with her since April. That's almost half a year ago! And she has never gone in the potty.
So now I can say we have a pooper! But the reason I term it that way is because she has yet to tee-tee in the potty. How is this possible? She will wet her undies all day long, but ask to go potty when she has to go # 2? I never thought we would get #2 before #1!
Now, any pointers about the #1 thing would help?? And then maybe I'll have a little more money in my pocket with only 1 child in diapers.
Another BIG accomplishment is that she has not had a passie since last Friday at nap time. We were gone all weekend at my aunt's house and left her passie at home. So every time she would lay down I would tell her we left her passie and she'd have to get it when we got home. Since we've been home she has not asked for it. I'm completely shocked! And I get nervous every night at bedtime if she is going to ask for it and what I'm going to say.
I am extremely proud of my baby girl! She's growing up too fast!
Catching Up....
Well I'm catching up once again! I have a feeling I am going to be doing a lot more posts like this with my crazy life!
Last, last Sunday, (as in the 29th of August) we celebrated my brother Matt's 25th birthday!! That's right! He's half way to 50 and on the road to 30! His birthday is actually the 28th & he and I are a year apart for EXACTLY one week out of the year. Meaning we are 23 months and 3 weeks apart.
We all got together at the usual hangout again (Pablo's). It was so much fun to get together with family and friends that we haven't seen in forever. Happy Birthday Matt!
Aunt Mary's birthday is the 30th of August so we celebrated her's as well! Happy Birthday Aunt Mary!
Last, last Sunday, (as in the 29th of August) we celebrated my brother Matt's 25th birthday!! That's right! He's half way to 50 and on the road to 30! His birthday is actually the 28th & he and I are a year apart for EXACTLY one week out of the year. Meaning we are 23 months and 3 weeks apart.
Matt's girlfriend Christina brought a beautiful cake and gave him an I-phone!! She's a keeper! (that's her adorable nephew)

Carter was eyeing the cake very seriously but when I gave him a lick of the icing he pitched a fit. I guess he's not much of a chocolate fan!
This past week I started school back. I have 3 online tests due by tomorrow night at 11:59, which is what I spent my whole labor day doing.
Saturday, the 4th of September, was my 27th birthday. We celebrated by watching football and laying out/playing yard darts around the pool. My inlaws watched Carter all day, and Maci Rose was our only child to watch. It was very relaxing with only 1 child. The best birthday present I received coming in my next blog post because it is a REALLY BIG DEAL (to me at least).
Here are a few pics from this past weekend. I didn't have my camera with me AT ALL, so this is all I got!
This is Jeremy's best friend from high school who has been in Iraq and we haven't seen him since our wedding.
I hope you all had a great labor day and enjoyed the long weekend as well!
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