Jeremy~Bonnie~Maci Rose ~ & ~ Carter

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Well Carter boy I can't believe you are a year old today!!! You are such a fun and sweet little boy! You love your momma and cry when you see me getting ready in the morning because you are afraid I'm gonna leave you. You are so smiley all the time. You have a fake laugh just to make people think they are funny even when they aren't. You also have a fake cry and it's so funny. It is so obvious it's fake that even strangers know you're faking, but you think you have us all fooled. You have brought so much joy to our lives over the past year and I hate to see you grow up so quickly!!

A Few TidBits About My Man:
Height: 30 inches? (we will know for sure next Tuesday but he is very long and most of it is in his waist)
Weight: 21 lbs/10 oz.
Babbles: Says mama, dada, baba, "A" for hey & kiki (kitty) and imitiates a lot of the things we say.
Food: Anything and everything. He loves waffles, strawberries, popsickles, any type of noodle dish, cheese crackers, poptarts. He has been eating gerber graduate meals since about 8 months old, but now he is starting to not want any type of baby/toddler specific food. He wants whatever we are eating and knows the difference between the real thing and the baby equivalent food.
Teeth: He has a total of 9 teeth with the 10th about to cut through the gum. He has 4 on top and 4 on the  bottom in the front and 1 of his 1 year old molars is coming in on the left side. The other one looks like it's about to pop through any day now.
Sleep: Well....this is a hard one. He has done extremely well the past month usually only waking up once at night and sometimes not at all. However, last week was a different story. We brought him to the dr. thinking he had an ear infection, but he didn't and we figured it is those big molars cutting through in the back of his mouth. He was up for 3 straight nights last week. It was miserable for all of us.

Others: He gives the sweetest kisses!! He leans his whole head into yours.

He loves to "share" with you even when you least expect it. Like in church when you all of a sudden have a soggy goldfish in your mouth while you're singing.

He loves drinking out of a sippy cup and can also suck out of a straw/juicebox now. However, he refuses to drink milk/formula out of anything but a bottle.

 He can go up and down stairs, as well as back off of beds, couches, etc. I don't have to worry about him falling off as much because he knows how to turn around and get down. He even turns around to back into the pool. Kinda scary!

He is climbing on EVERYTHING. This may be an understatement!! The nursery at the gym calls him "the climber" every time I bring him in. I've seen him on top of picnic tables, counters, chairs, Maci Rose's queen size bed, cars, wagons, and the list goes on and on. He has also learned to push his little riding toys over to shelves/tables and stand on them to reach whatever it is he wants.

I don't really think we can call him a walker just yet. He will stand up on his own and take 5-6 steps at a time, but once he falls down he just crawls the rest of the way to get there. So he can walk but prefers to crawl because it's faster. He stands up all the time though. He will stand up and drink a bottle or eat a popsickle or play with a toy. The other day my dad came over and he took about 10 steps accross our kitchen to get to him, but it's rare occasions we see that many. I think it's going to be in the near future that we see him take off!

 And the way he sits gets quite a lot of attention. We get comments all the time about his little squat. I don't know how his legs can handle it but he can sit like this for like 5-10 minutes at a time.

He will dance on command. It doesn't matter if you have music or not, you can say "dance Carter boy" and he will give you a little dance. It's so cute! He also recognizes the following words when we say them bi-bite, uh-oh/ouch, baba, no, Maci Rose, daddy, mama & when a phone is ringing he will put his hand up to his ear like he is talking on the phone.

He has the fattest/biggest hands and feet ever. The only shoes I can get on him are his sandals and crocks and occasionally a pair of keds that are 2 sizes too big. People are constantly making comments about their size, including my pediatrician who when I made the comment about him being a football player because of his size he held up his hands and said I'd say a basketball player with these hands!

 I asked him how old he was and he held up 1 finger!! (totally kidding....he's pointing at the camera)

 Look at the size of those hands!

Why'd you put me in this high chair just to take pictures??? this cupcake really mine??

He is the sweetest and cutest little boy ever!! We have enjoyed every second of you this year and are excited to watch you grow into a handsome young man. We love you so much! Happy Birthday Carter boy!!

Here is a sneak peak of what we're doing to prepare for his party. The theme this year is fishing...

I can't wait to show pictures of how it turns out!!

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