Jeremy~Bonnie~Maci Rose ~ & ~ Carter

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Catching Up #1

I figured I'd start labeling my Catching Up posts by #'s! School is back in session and things are going full swing over here so I have a feeling you're going to be seeing a lot more of these!

Here's a recap of what's been goin on...

We went to Superior Grill to see Livewire (the band that played at our wedding) play for New Years. Here are a few pics from the night...

I have been painting our foyer and living room and I'm very pleased with the outcome. We still have light fixtures to put up and couch pillows to cover but here is a sneak peak at what it looks like so far...

Maci Rose has been wearing panties since January 3rd. We've had some great days and some terrible days but one thing is for sure..SHE'S DONE WITH DIAPERS! When I mention putting a diaper back on her after an accident she pitches a fit so I'm just going to have to live out this "in between" stage the best way I can.

The worst is when we're out in public and she has to go. She's gone at a Burger King, Walmart, and in a port-a-potty (my church is under construction). Yuck!! I know this phase will pass, but this in between potty training stuff can be very exhausting!

 She's also been best friends with Carter. She wakes him up as soon as she gets up in the morning to play with her, but as soon as he grabs something she doesn't want him to have, she gets mad and asks me "to get the slime off of it." I guess we are going to have to work on the sharing thing.

Carter is crawling, but only backwards, it's funny! He has 2 new additions in the bottom of his mouth. He has been up every 2 hours most nights. It's made for a very tired and cranky mommy and baby. I'm hoping the rest of his teeth don't bother him this much.

And here are a few pictures from the ice storm last week. My mom and sister stayed with us Sunday - Tuesday and we had a blast!! I think we all gained 50 pounds because all we did was play in the snow and then eat and over and over again, but what else can you do when you're snowed in? It almost became a laughing matter every time someone was hungry again. (Guess you had to be there!)

 This was our backyard on Friday! We got tons of snow and it didn't fully melt until after the rain last night!

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