Jeremy~Bonnie~Maci Rose ~ & ~ Carter

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Years Resolutions

I better get these on here soon or I'm likely to forget about them before I even start them. This is a way for me to check back and cross off as I go. And hopefully **fingers crossed** I will accomplish everything this year!

Fitness/Personal Goals:
* No eating after 8pm.

* Walk on treadmill 3 days a week for 45mins - 1 hour.

* Do ab rollers 4 days a week.

* Have a frugal friday post every.single.friday! (or at least every other)

* Find the perfect dress and go to my 10 year reunion!!

* Try not to care about the cleanliness of my house so much and to put other things in front of having a spotless house all the time. This may sound easier than it actually is, but I'm OCD when it comes to having dishes in the sink or seeing stuff on the floor that needs to be swept, mopped, or vacumed. I tend to put more important things aside just to vacum or wash dishes. I'm learning that it's ok to let dishes pile up to spend more time with my husband or children or even just to get more sleep.

*To start slowly printing pictures off my digital camera and get them into photo albums.

*Join a prayer group with other women my age.


* Come up with a reasonable budget for groceries and go grocery shopping all at once and only 1 day a week. (I swear the little trips for 1 or 2 items every other day add up fast).

* Spend only $100 on eating out per month (this is going to be tough)

* Have only 1 child in diapers. Check!! Accomplished!! Maci Rose has been out of diapers, even at night, since Jan. 3rd. (This is another post in itself).

Around the House:

* Paint foyer and living room and get new light fixtures. (in the process now....I can't wait to post pics)

* Build a bar and bookshelves, get barstools, and new recessed lighting to go in the living room.

* Re-do the playroom/loft area to better meet all of our needs. Play area for kids, small office for me, playstation/game area for Jeremy. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

* To have all repairs done to house that were included in our warranty.

* To clean out garage completely and give excess stuff to Hannah Home.

*To lay more ply wood in attic for storage.

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