Jeremy~Bonnie~Maci Rose ~ & ~ Carter

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A few small updates

I went to the doctor Friday for my 34 week checkup and everything is looking great! Blood pressure is perfect, baby's heartrate was in the mid 130's & I have lost 2 pounds somehow. This now makes my total weight gain so far 21 lbs, (maybe I will gain 22 total like I did with Maci Rose afterall). However, baby Carter is growing like a weed obviously because my stomach measurement is dead on for 34 weeks and it was behind last time, so doc said it has grown 3 cm in the past 2!!

I have scheduled an ultrasound for my next visit just because we've only had one and my insurance pays for 2. I'm really curious to see how he is measuring....small, big, long, etc. (Keep in mind my husband was close to 10 pounds. I was 6 lbs 12oz, & MR was 5 lbs 8 oz, so who knows?) The last time we had one he wasn't even a pound yet at 18 weeks so I'm really excited about it!

And the most exciting part of the visit is that I've scheduled my c-section for June 2nd, so unless I go into labor before then I will have a baby in 1 month!

 I will be going to the doctor every week from now on, so I will have lots of update posts probably. We are getting closer!

I've been working hard to get Carter's room organized and his clothes washed and sorted by size. I have made some progress and I can at least see what I need more of or what I have plenty of,etc. HIS bag is already packed for the hospital, so if anything happens in the next 4 weeks at least HE will be prepared. I'm still working on getting a bag somewhat ready for Maci Rose, but I'm sure I won't pack for myself until the night before. Ha!

Packed and ready to go!

These diapers and wipes should last us at least a couple of months.

Boy passies! I pulled out all the white and green I could find of Maci's. I have a pile of pink up for grabs!
His FINALLY organized closet. Behind that door is more clothes. This is only up to 12 months being shown. He has clothes up until 4 years old and if he's little like Maci Rose he may be wearing them up until he's 6 or 7. I never thought my boy would have more or just as many clothes as my girl did. Just goes to show that boys can be fun to shop for too, because that's mostly what I got at my shower.
I bought this little stool at Michael's and painted it. I put his name down the middle and it looked horrible so I covered it up with these little guys.

I'm working on getting his name done and I will post those pics when I'm finished. I've only found the letters "ARTE" so far. I'm still looking for the C and second R. If you remember I did this for Maci Rose's nursery....

I bought those letters at Burlington Coat Factory and they don't have them anymore. So I got Carter's at Michaels and they only come in once a week. I have to keep checking back. It'll be easier after finals are over this week.

School will be out for me after this week until the fall!!  So for the next few weeks, I am just going to be living in the doctor. Maci Rose has her 2 year old check up and I've got my yearly physical at my regular doctor and then of course the preggo doctor every week until my hospital stay with a new baby. I guess I better make sure I'm stocked up my hand sanitizer for the next few weeks. Ha!!

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