Jeremy~Bonnie~Maci Rose ~ & ~ Carter

Thursday, May 27, 2010

So much baseball...

Yesterday I had my last dr.'s visit, as I mentioned before, but when I was leaving Jeremy asked if we wanted to go to the Hoover Met to watch the Alabama/Auburn baseball game. I usually don't go for "unplanned" events, but I was thinking of sun and exercise and quality time with my husband (which I don't get very often). So I took him up on his offer. He took off work for the rest of the day and we went to the games!

It was very very hot and crowded, but eventually we met up with my little sister, who was up in the indoors VIP area with some friends. Her friend Bobby was nice enough to sneak down passes for us to get in free and eat and drink for free. Thanks Bobby!! We really appreciated it!

It was a fun day and good to get out and do something different for once. When we got home, my friend Kristen texted and wanted me to go to Jeremy's baseball game which her husband plays on too. As tired as I was and as filthy as Maci Rose was, we decided to keep the stinky clothes on and go. I had a great time hanging out last night girl!! And Maci Rose loves playing in the dirt, ugh! So thanks for pushing me to go! However, this morning I felt like I had been hit by a car! My neck was sore and my right side??

I may have overdone it a bit yesterday, but Jeremy bathed Maci Rose and got her ready for bed last night so I guess I was a little rewarded in the long run.

Here are a few pics from the games, but my camera died in the first 30 mins we were there. See why I don't like "unplanned" events? Because I wasn't prepared!! Ha!

This little boy kept flirting with her, so we told her to give him a cheezit & she did! It was so funny!
Eww..Look how preggo my face looks! My nose is spreading, only a few more days of this thank goodness!
And notice my husband is wearing an Auburn!

                             Alabama won 7 - 1 so I was very happy for the rest of the day. Go Bama!!

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